If you rely on your part-time motor trade business for extra income, an incident you’re not covered for could cause significant financial damage. Part-time motor traders carry out the same work as those who work full-time so they should have the same level of insurance; having an adequate level of cover could help keep your business afloat in difficult circumstances.
So even if you just work in the motor trade for one day a week, a minimum level of cover for third party road risk, fire and theft is an absolute must.
Many part-time motor traders operate from home so premises insurance is unlikely to be included on a part-time policy unless you ask for it. Yet there are other features that part-time motor traders must make sure they have. These include:
• Road risks cover
• Public liability cover
• Tools protection
• Employer’s liability cover (if you have any employees)
You can qualify for a part-time motor trade insurance policy if you can prove that you are running a side-business for profit; you can do this with invoices and records of any money you have received. However, if you repair cars in your spare time as a favour for family and friends without making a profit, you will not qualify for this type of insurance policy.
What else can be added to a part-time policy?
If you work part-time in the motor trade industry, your policy may need to be a bit more flexible than a full-time policy. For example, one of your commercial vehicles may double up as a domestic vehicle that you use to take your children to school.
However, motor trade insurance policies are strictly for motor trade activity only. That means if you want to use your motor trade vehicles for anything else, you’ll need to add it onto your policy as an extra feature.
If you find a flexible insurance broker, you’ll be able to make changes to your policy as your situation changes – ensuring every aspect of your motor trade business has an adequate level of cover. You can even add your spouse to your policy if they need to use one of your vehicles.
Looking for a motor trade insurance quote?
If you are looking for a quote on a motor trade insurance policy, you could save up to 67.5% with Unicom. Click here to get a quote that could save you £££’s
It’s also worthwhile investigating whether you can add your private vehicles to the policy. Insurance is a costly running expense but insuring your private vehicles on the same policy could save you money by paying one premium instead of two.
To find out how Unicom can tailor a motor trade insurance policy to meet the needs of your part-time business, give one of our expert advisors a call on 020 8805 7799 or visit our website.