If you run a motor trade business, you’ll know how quickly circumstances can change. You could get new employees, install new equipment or expand your business, which would mean having more vehicles or members of the public on your premises at one time.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure your insurance broker is flexible and willing to make changes to your policy. As your priorities and circumstances change you’ll need to make amendments to your policy; this will ensure that you are fully protected at all times.
Do you have enough cover?
The main aim of traders insurance is to provide you with enough protection to safeguard your business in case of any eventuality.
If you run a repair garage or valeting service, your business is reliant on your tools. Without them you would be unable to operate so it’s absolutely vital to make sure they have the right insurance protection.
If you’ve bought any new equipment since you last updated your policy you should have this added on to make sure you can claim back and replace them as soon as possible if they are damaged or stolen.
Are you paying for something you don’t need?
Review and update your policy to make sure you have the cover you need, but also check that your new circumstances haven’t left you paying for cover you don’t need. Perhaps two of your named drivers have left the company – this means could save money by removing them from the policy.
Regularly reviewing your insurance will allow you to spot things you know longer need and save money by asking your insurer to remove them. Your list of main drivers must always be up-to-date for you to be fully insured and if you’re looking to save a bit of extra money, you could reduce your premiums by removing any drivers who have had points deducted from their licence.

Looking for a motor trade insurance quote?
If you are looking for a quote on a motor trade insurance policy, you could save up to 67.5% with Unicom. Click here to get a quote that could save you £££’s
Reduce your premiums
If you’ve put any further security measures in place since you last updated your policy, such as CCTV cameras or security doors, make sure you notify your insurer. Extra security measures reduce the risk of theft, which reduces the chances of you making a claim. And if your insurer thinks you’re less likely to make a claim, they’ll reward you with lower premiums.
For more information about finding a flexible motor trade insurance policy or updating your existing policy, give Unicom a call on 020 8805 7799 or fill out this form for a quote today.